Priority Club is a loyalty club designed to help you find the best price on hotel reservations, and give you the opportunity to earn points to earn bonuses towards future stays. You earn points staying in hotels, but also by using their partners to buy flowers, renting cars, or flying on certain airlines.
The registration process for the site was easy and didn't take long. The membership is FREE. The membership card is available for download immediately, so you can start using their services without waiting for it to arrive in the mail.
I passed along the information to my mom, who also visited the site and signed up for a membership. She spent some time checking out hotel rates for various cities they visited recently, or plan to visit in the future. She found the site easy to use, and had no questions about how it worked.
Even if you don't travel much, Priority Club seems a great deal! I like that I can earn points by spending money on things other than travel, and that my points never expire. In a few years, I imagine I'll be using my reward points to stay in a great hotel.
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