I agreed to hold it there because she was extremely stressed, and I remember how pregnancy hormones can make some things seem much more complicated/difficult/crazy than they actually may be. I'm not saying I regret it - but it is definitely causing me more work! Earlier this week, I took over extra chairs, decorations, tablecloths, plates, cups, utensils. My husband took over 2 extra tables. On Sunday, I'll have to transport all the food, drinks, games, prizes, pitchers, etc. to this other house. It's a bit of a pain - but she's an absolutely wonderful friend and I'm honored to host her shower.
I put together blue glass tealight holders and a blue tealight in tulle, tied with a small blue pacifier as the favor. I included a small poem about lighting the candle when the baby is born, and saying a prayer in his name. I also have mints wrapped in "it's a boy" wrapping. I'll put the favors on one table, along with the mints, and a basket full of index cards and a large plastic bottle. I'll ask everyone to write a message of love / support / advice on the cards and drop them in the bottle for her to read later. Oh - and the diaper cake I made last week will also be on this table for decoration.
I decided on 4 games. For the first, I purchased 2 dozen small plastic babies. They were dropped in small plastic cups, filled with water and frozen. As each guest arrives, they'll be given a cup - and the first to have their baby born (ie: thaw) will win a prize. The 2nd game will be a memory game -- I'll have removed the diaper cake and then ask the guests to remember all the items on the cake. The one with the most wins; and also the one who guesses the number of diapers will win. The 3rd game is a mystery bag game. I put baby items in 10 paper bags and sealed the bags. Everyone wil be able to feel the bag, and try to guess what's in it. I included things like cotton balls, diaper creme, a board book in the bags. The most correct guesses wins. And, for the final game, I will hand out small chunks of play dough (made by me - in orange, since that's D's favorite color.) and ask them to sculpt a baby. D will choose the winner of that contest!
Oh, and I also have prizes to give to the first person to RSVP via the phone and also email. I just think it's so rude to not RSVP to an event - or to not RSVP to the person holding the event. At least 6 people RSVP'd to my friend - even though I had my name, phone number and email on the invite. It's a good thing it wasn't a surprise!
For the prizes, I have small boxes in the shapes of animals (hippo, giraffe, elephant - did you see them in the Target $1 section a few months ago?) In each box, I put different prizes -- one is stuffed with fun size M&M packs, a couple with travel sized goodies from Bath & Body Works, another with picture clips, another with a $10 Starbucks card. I think it'll be fun for people to choose a box and have the surprise.
Then, we'll eat! I am making Greek Chicken Salad w/pita bread, pasta salad, vegetable platter, fruit platter and cupcakes for desert. The decorating theme was baby animals, and I found some adorable cupcake picks in the shapes of animals. I also have lemonade, iced tea and bottled water to drink. (which reminds me - I will need to buy ice that morning to take with me, and take my ice bucket.)
After food, she'll open her gifts. I was at her house this week and she shared the things she received at her family shower in CA a week ago. She already has so much. Just a small sample -- 3 diaper bags, 3 strollers, 2 high chairs, 2 pack 'n' plays, a bassinette, and over 100 outfits for 0-6 months. She won't ever have to do laundry - the baby can wear each outfit once and move on! LOL! It's very different from the minimalist approach we took . . . Nate slept with us and didn't have a crib until he was over a year. Colin had a crib right away, but didn't sleep in it for a year. I didn't have a high chair until Colin was a year old (in fact, it was his 1st birthday present from us.) I did have a stroller that I loved -- but just one! Of all the things she does have, she doesn't have a sling . . . and I had already passed on both of mine to moms in need.
I had offered to throw her a mother's blessing (similar to what I did for my friend T in February) and she really wanted a traditional baby shower instead. So, I'm glad I'm doing what she wants . . . but I'm stunned at all she's received already. It's almost horrible, but I'm partially dismayed at the items I gave to her and wish I could have given them to someone who truly needed them! (I gave her our pack 'n' play, our high chair, clothes, toys, and a few other things.) That list I named above doesn't include the items I gave her! I don't really understand the emotions I'm feeling - it's not that I'm jealous . . . although maybe I'm jealous of her pregnancy? wishing we had another one on the way? I don't know.
I DO know that she is one of the best friends I've ever had and I'm thrilled to be a part of this time in her life. She co-hosted my baby shower and I love that I can return the favor. I'm sure it'll be a wonderful shower and everyone will have fun.
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